We are dedicated to safeguarding your privacy and security. Your online safety is important to us. Below are our privacy guidelines to help you get a better service and to be aware about how data is utilized.

We will collect personal information on you.

It\’s important to understand what information we collect. Your email address as well as your name, street address as well as the name of your company, the postcode city, country, and telephone number are all readily available. We gather information on various methods. Cookies are first used to gather data, store, and manage non-personally identifiable user data. Personal identifiable data refers to specific data regarding you, like the number on your credit card or your bank account. The information you provide is unique to you.

Information is useful in a variety of ways

Don\’t enter the same information repeatedly.

Find out more about our products or services, as well as information fast.

Help us identify the most relevant and interesting material to include on our website.

Keep updated with the newest announcements, products, and services.

Registration and order

When you register, you\’ll be asked for your name as well as contact details such as phone numbers, addresses (shipping and billing) and email addresses as well as credit card information. To ensure that you are in compliance with the law, you may be asked for your country. The information we collect is so that we can control your bill and finish your purchase. These details could be used for internal marketing, and to contact customers about their purchase, or to update the on your website. We could use the information to contact you if we encounter a problem while making your purchase.

Email Addresses

Join our newsletters to receive the latest deals. We\’ll contact you if you choose to enter any of our contests.

3. Privacy Protection

As part of our standard business practices, we don\’t lease (or trade) personal information or share it with other companies. We utilize cutting-edge encryption technologies. Every employee is required to sign confidentiality agreements which restrict the sharing of any data.